Coronavirus: What you need to know about the Deadly Disease

Coronavirus is a type of virus that can be found in both animals and humans, it can be spread from person to person and are often transmitted from animals to humans. Coronaviruses are of different types and mostly affect the respiratory system; whereby the infected person might experience cold, pneumonia, bronchitis and may even suffer from severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). Recently, a new type of coronavirus which is referred to as the ‘COVID-19’ was recently discovered in China; its outbreak has led to sending many people to immediate and sudden urgent care. Sadly this seems to be leading to the death of many both in China and in other parts of the world where the disease has spread too.

coronavirus prevention

How the Virus Spreads

Research has it that the virus is mostly transmitted via fluids that are present in the respiratory system like the mucus and can be transmitted from person to person easily. Here are few ways by which the virus can spread:

  • Touching and shaking someone who has the virus.
  • Coughing and sneezing without covering the mouth can disperse droplets of the virus into the air.
  • Touching your eyes, nose or mouth after making contact with objects that has the virus.

One is most at risk of contracting the virus if one have recently visited or stayed in areas where the COVID-19 outbreak have been confirmed. Also maintaining or having a close contact with someone who has tested positive to the virus can put you at a high risk of contracting the disease.

Symptoms of Coronavirus

It should be noted that the symptoms of this virus often vary and may not be visible till after two to fourteen days after being contracted. The most common symptoms of the coronavirus include fever, cough, and shortness of breath or difficult breathing. However, the harshness of the symptoms of COVID-19 can range from being just mild to severe and elderly individuals with existing medical ailment can stand a higher risk of having severe symptoms. Also, in extreme situations, the coronavirus can lead to pneumonia, kidney failure, severe acute respiratory syndrome and eventually death.

How to protect yourself from the Virus

  • Make sure you wash your hands thoroughly and frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds; you can alternatively use alcohol-based sanitizer.
  • Cover your mouth when sneezing or coughing and dispose tissues immediately.
  • Stay at home whenever you feel sick.
  • Use a face mask, especially when going to public places that are full of people.
  • Don’t touch your mouth, eyes or nose with unwashed hands.
  • The World Health Organization recommends that you stay away from consuming undercooked meat and avoiding contacts with animals in places where cases of the virus have been confirmed.
  • Ensure you disinfect objects or surfaces that are frequently touched.

The COVID-19 since its first outbreak in Wuhan, China has remained a global concern as it has continue to spread across the globe and many deaths have been recorded. Although, there is no specific treatment yet for this disease, it is recommended that you take precautionary measures to keep yourself safe.

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