When you first start to look at your HIIT routine, you may start to look at the easiest
methods available. You may want something that uses very little equipment or
equipment that is easy to take with you without taking up much space. You may want a
routine upgrade that lets you get the most out of the workout routine as well. One of
those methods is to use a jump rope. If you aren’t sure how to incorporate the jump rope
into your HIIT routine to get the maximum benefit, then here are some ways to get you

Ab HIIT Routine

One of the focal points for workouts tends to be the abs and core. You may think you
can’t do that with a jump rope, but you can if you know the right HIIT routine. The basic
ab and core jump rope routine is a 30 second cycle with a 10 second rest. This starts off
with 30 seconds of high knee jumps followed by 10 seconds of a break. This moves into
mountain climbers, high knees, stability ball pushups, high knees, and then plank. This
helps works the core as well as the legs.

Full Body HIIT

If you have limited time and you need to make sure you are getting a full body workout
in, then the full body jump rope HIIT may be ideal. This HIIT is based on 20 seconds of
workout followed by 5 seconds of rest. It starts with 20 seconds of hard core straight
jumping then 5 seconds of rest. After this, you will do squats, rest, jumping, rest, push-
ups, rest, jumping, rest, a solid plank hold, and then rest. You can do this once and
repeat it up to four or more times depending on your time constraints.

Advanced Full Body HIIT

So, you have tried the other jump rope HIIT workouts, but you are starting to level off.
This may mean you are ready for an advanced full body HIIT program. This program is
long and consists of 20 seconds of working out and 10 seconds of rest. The routine is
double-unders, push-ups, criss cross jumps, tricep dips, double-unders, shoulder-tap
push-ups, criss cross jumps, and pike pushups. Again, this is done on the cycle of 20
seconds of workout with 10 seconds of rest. This can be repeated up to 5 times.

These are just a few of the methods you can use to incorporate your jump rope into
your HIIT routine. There are others, but these are the easiest ones to incorporate as a
beginning step.

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Living Smart Granola