Tag: trampoline

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9 Benefits of Trampoline Exercise

It was my daughter’s 3rd birthday last week, and we had the best idea. Let’s go to a trampoline park! I told her it was a bouncy castle that mommy and daddy can go into. Only it was bigger and had no walls. I have never seen her so excited, her mind was blown. Just...


What to Look For in an Indoor Trampoline Park

You know that your mini trampoline is giving you what you need for your workout, but you may want more. You have tried accessories and different tricks to build your routine and change it up. One thing you may not have tried is going to an indoor trampoline park. If you have never been, here...


Indoor Trampoline Workouts: The Next Best Fitness Trend?

Trampolines have been part of workout routines for decades. Usually they are a small in home one person option. They are generally used to increase your cardio and heart rate to help with calorie burn. You may be thinking that an indoor trampoline workout isn’t for you or something that would not help. However, it...


How to Make the Most Out of Your Mini Trampoline

So, you have researched using an indoor trampoline as part of your workout. You have looked at the benefits of this workout option. You have also looked at the routines and workouts that may work best for you. What you may not know is how to make the most out of your mini trampoline. Here...


3 Excellent Indoor Trampolines

So, you have decided to get into an indoor trampoline routine. You know what exercises you want to use the trampoline to accomplish. You also know that you want to do more than just use the trampoline for its original purpose. This leads you to start looking for the ideal indoor trampoline that will fit...

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