That nail doesn’t look quite right, but is it serious? This is a question that more people ask themselves than what is usually thought, but what is toenail fungus, what are the symptoms to indicate one is infected, and what do you do to get rid of it?

Toenail fungus is an infection that affects the nail by way of a crack in the nail or a cut in the skin, nearby. This infection can cause pain and can spread to other nails, on the toe or the finger, if left untreated. The most common form of this fungus is what causes athlete’s foot. This is one of the nastier results of toenail fungus and causes the skin on the foot to crack and bleed. This can lead to more infections and serious health problems, if left untreated. 

Nail fungus can come from several different sources:

Going barefoot in public seems like a great idea on a hot day, but unfortunately, it’s public places where these fungi tend to spread. As previously mentioned, a crack in the toenail is also a way in for the fungus. Weak foot circulation is also a culprit and a weak immune system can also make one more susceptible. 

Believe it or not, a salon can also be a person’s worst enemy when it comes to getting infected with a nail fungus. People like getting acrylic nails, but they also shut off the real nail underneath from the air. This can cause a build-up of heat and moisture under the nail, and that’s a prime breeding ground for nail fungus. 

The other issue with salons is getting that pedicure or manicure. This is something that’s usually an enjoyable experience for clients getting that whole “spa” treatment, but what you come away with really depends on the spa: If they use tools that aren’t properly sterilized after every use, they can become fungus transmitters!

The symptoms to watch out for is what will look like a small, yellow spot under the fingernail, or the toenail. This will subsequently result in other symptoms. Thickened nails are a common symptom that can cause the nail, itself, to become warped or malformed. The most obvious symptom is that the nail will tend to become more yellowish or brownish in color. It may also tend to become brittle and even crumble. Keep in mind, that this is a fungus, so the nail itself is likely to start emitting a foul smell.

If these symptoms are experienced, then the best thing to do is get to a doctor to have it diagnosed. 

Once a doctor has diagnosed someone with nail fungus, there are a few ways to treat it:

Homeopathic remedies are used by some to get rid of these fungi, including tea tree oil, but it is best to keep in mind that there is no solid, medical proof to confirm that this actually works.

Depending on the severity of infection, a topical cream may be enough to get rid of the infection, easily and quickly. This is a treatment that is used in mild, easy cases. If, however, the infection is severe, this approach may not work. 

A topical nail lacquer can also be recommended in milder cases. This is essentially no different from applying nail polish and is just as easy. Again, this is something used in milder cases. The other disadvantage to using this medicated nail polish is that it takes a long time to treat the affected area properly (up to a year), and may not work!

A simple pill can also be administered orally for both mild and severe infections, but that can also affect the length of treatment. Keep in mind that this is also a long process, that can take weeks or even months to take full effect.

The most advanced and quick treatment is laser treatment. This is a very quick and easy option for many people. This approach to treatment is also the best alternative for people who have sensitivities to any oral medication or creams that would normally be prescribed.

Laser treatment is a fairly new treatment, but has also seen to be very effective. One form of laser treatment, for instance, has shown an eighty percent rate of success in treating the infected area, and without a return of the fungus.

It is new, however, and one should understand how it works. First, although it’s a laser, don’t believe that it’s going to cut part of your toe off! How it works is to deliver pulses of heat to the affected areas. This heat is absorbed by the fungus. That results in its temperature being raised past where the fungus can survive, thereby killing it for good.

Surgery is also a possibility, but it is viewed as a last resort. 

All in all, the choice to treat nail fungus is between slow and fast. It’s really that decision that leads to a quick laser treatment or the other methods available!

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