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Indoor Trampoline Workouts: The Next Best Fitness Trend?

Trampolines have been part of workout routines for decades. Usually they are a small in home one person option. They are generally used to increase your cardio and heart rate to help with calorie burn. You may be thinking that an indoor trampoline workout isn’t for you or something that would not help. However, it...


3 Hula Hoop Exercises to Try Out

So, you have started considering hula hoops as part of a fitness option. You may have felt that this was a silly option when you first heard about it. As you have looked into it, you may have found that it can actually be very beneficial for your cardio, for your core, for muscles, and...


How Workout Cards Benefit Your Workouts

When you start a workout routine, you may start to look at equipment options. These may change slightly depending on if you want to workout in a gym, outdoors, or in your home. One goal of your workout equipment options will likely be that the equipment either takes up very little space or is easy...


How to Use a Jump Rope in Your HIIT Routine

When you first start to look at your HIIT routine, you may start to look at the easiest methods available. You may want something that uses very little equipment or equipment that is easy to take with you without taking up much space. You may want a routine upgrade that lets you get the most...


How to Make the Most Out of Your Mini Trampoline

So, you have researched using an indoor trampoline as part of your workout. You have looked at the benefits of this workout option. You have also looked at the routines and workouts that may work best for you. What you may not know is how to make the most out of your mini trampoline. Here...


How to Burn the Most Calories in the Water

One of the main ways that people use to drop unwanted weight is to decrease the number of calories they are taking in during a day and burning more calories than normal during a workout. For example, if you want to drop more weight you would lower your calorie intake from 2,000 to 1,400 and...


3 Excellent Indoor Trampolines

So, you have decided to get into an indoor trampoline routine. You know what exercises you want to use the trampoline to accomplish. You also know that you want to do more than just use the trampoline for its original purpose. This leads you to start looking for the ideal indoor trampoline that will fit...


Bosu Ball Moves For Killer Abs

When you first look at using bosu balls for your workout routine, you may look at legs and thighs as the prime area of focus. There are other benefits to using a bosu ball. One of those benefits is directly related to your abs. If you are having issues with getting the results you want...


Benefits of Workout Out With a Hula Hoop

When you think of workout equipment, you likely think of yoga blocks or kettlebells. One thing you probably do not think about is the use of a hula hoop. The misconception is that a hula hoop is a children’s toy and just has no place in working out. The truth is, it can be a...


What Does a Pilates Class Entail?

If you decide to go for a mat Pilates class – or one that is done on the Reformer or Cadillac – you can get the same fabulous benefits of this type of exercise. An investigation in 2016 found that a total of eight weeks of Pilates classes helped to improve the following: Endurance of...

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