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Vegan Red Lentil Curry

Jump to recipe I was staring at a can of coconut milk and a bag of lentils in my pantry for weeks and finally decided to go for it. The weather was finally perfect for a heart warming bowl of curry. The aroma alone makes you wanna curl up on the couch.   What I love...


The Dos and Don’ts of Going on a Detox Cleanse

When it comes to cleansing our body of toxins, detoxing often comes up as a popular option. Like we previously discussed here on Living Smart Girl, it is often done for weight loss purposes. These detoxes also come in many forms — from simple juice cleanses, or trying digestit colon cleanses, or to more restrictive diets...


Taste the Rainbow

It is important to eat your veggies… yes, it’s true. But it’s also important to have a variety in your diet too.  There is a rainbow of nutritional benefits in eating all the colors that nature has to offer. The nutritional value of all these colors are a big thank you to phytonutrients, which is...


Hemp Crusted Tofu

Skip to recipe So, I saw this recipe on the youtube channel Lauren Toyotas Hot for Food. I’m obsessed with her videos. She takes vegan food and makes it relatable to the masses They are crunchy, flavorful, versatile…and of course delicious! I’ve used this recipe for tacos, stir fries, “fish sticks”, burritos, you name it....


Blueberry and Strawberry Fruit Smoothie Bowl

Fruit Smoothie Bowl Disclosure ~ This post contains yummy affiliate links.   Summer might be over here in Minnesota, but I was just in Florida and you know that summer is basically year round there. No matter where you live, there is no reason one can’t enjoy a yummy fruit smoothie bowl, for breakfast, lunch or...

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